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Kubota KC300 HR-5 dumper med fast undervogn

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Varenummer (SKU): KC300HR5

Kubota KC300 HR-5 dumper med fast undervogn

Compact, powerful and versatile, the KC300 HR-5 are designed for optimum comfort

The new KUBOTA KC300-5 can transport a large quantity of materials easily and quickly saving you time and trouble. With its fast traveling speed and loadging capacity of 2875 kg is the best to working in various ground conditions.

Unloading operation
Unloading operation is fast and easy. The profile of the proof skip of every model has been designed to ensure a quick discharge of the material. With a dumping angle of 55° (H version) and 84° (HR version), all materials are discharged very easily. In addition, the rotary function (180°) for the HR version and the three ways dump for H version allows emptying sideways in all conditions when filling a trench for example.

With their fast travelling speed (11 km/h) and a loading capacity of 2875 kg, the KC300-5 can easily transport a large quantity of material in a short time. With their powerful tracked undercarriage, they can work in different ground conditions. The KC300-5 can easily overcome obstacles thanks to a rear attack angle of 26° and a ground clearance of 330 mm.

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Ring for pris og info
+45 43 200 300
Varenummer (SKU): KC300HR5




Kontakt Jesper K. Larsen om
Kubota KC300 HR-5 dumper med fast undervogn
Jesper K. Larsen
Produktchef, Øst
Ring på:
+45 40 643 017
Skriv til:
[email protected]
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Kontakt Nikolaj Thomsen om
Kubota KC300 HR-5 dumper med fast undervogn
Nikolaj Thomsen
Salgskonsulent Midt- og Nordjylland
Ring på:
+45 40 643 051
Skriv til:
[email protected]
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Kontakt Per Hermann om
Kubota KC300 HR-5 dumper med fast undervogn
Per Hermann
Salgskonsulent Midt/Østjylland
Ring på:
+45 40 643 002
Skriv til:
[email protected]
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Kontakt Frank Täubl om
Kubota KC300 HR-5 dumper med fast undervogn
Frank Täubl
Salgskonsulent, Sydjylland og Fyn
Ring på:
+45 40 643 015
Skriv til:
[email protected]
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Kontakt Claus Mailand Jensen om
Kubota KC300 HR-5 dumper med fast undervogn
Claus Mailand Jensen
Ring på:
+45 81 774 078
Skriv til:
[email protected]
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Kontakt Flemming Mørk om
Kubota KC300 HR-5 dumper med fast undervogn
Flemming Mørk
Ring på:
+45 40 643 045
Skriv til:
[email protected]
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