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Varenummer (SKU): Simulatorer


Thermo Chambers (Simulatorer)

Temperature simulation for material tests

Mechanical properties of components and materials are temperature dependent. In usual applications samples are often tested at room temperature. This often contradicts the actual field of application. In most instances it is temperature influence that counts. Then, it is important to use a thermo chamber in order to emulate real conditions in the test. Temperature chambers open the possibility to investigate the mechanical properties of materials in defined environments. On the one hand, such investigations can explore the operating limits of components and materials. On the other hand, particular loads can be simulated, corresponding to the intended conditions in later use. These types of temperature chambers, which can simulate temperatures between -80 ° and +280 °C, are used in conjunction with our universal testing machines.

Climate Chambers (Simulatorer)

Environmental simulation for material tests

In few instances fluctuating air humidity, salt content of the air and further parameters are likewise important, besides temperature.Then we use climate chambers for simulations of these conditions. To give just one concise example: The slowly fluctuating, long-term load on the steel, from which drilling platforms in the oil industry are made. Extremely fluctuating temperatures, heavy changes of the air humidity or of the salt content, together with heavy and constant loads at the same time are important factors for long-term prognoses.

Kilns (Simulatorer)

Material tests under extremly high temperatures

In certain cases it is the absence of high temperature that prevents the determination of important influencing factors. TesT offers high-temperature kilns of up to approx. 1700 °C for tests of new materials, ceramic substances, glass, steel, platinum etc. Since these cases represent very specific applications a detailed consultation is necessary for each individual case.


Environmental Influence Simulated

Technical specifications

Thermo Chamber for temperatures between -80 ° and +280 °C
Climate Chamber besides temperature, also air humidity and / or salt content
High-temperature kiln up to 1.700 °C
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Ring for pris og info
+45 43 200 300
Varenummer (SKU): Simulatorer




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