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Rektron SQC System software

Venligst kontakt os for pris.

Varenummer (SKU): ART-561

For almost 30 years Rektron has delivered systems with the goal to increase the profitability for the industrial corporations of Scandinavia.

Rektron SQC System

A platform for Statistical Quality Control that provides tools for everything in the area of measurement collection, statistical process control (SPC) and analysis. Measure data can be registered in the system in many ways – manually, from handheld gauges and from coordinate measure machines (CMM). Read more

Rektron FMEA

A software for effects analysis (FMEA, FMECA), where the user is helped in re-using already existing experiences. The software is used in effects analysis and the development of control plans (APQP) when working with Design-, Construction-, Process-, Environment and method FMEA. Read more

Introduction to Rektron products and services

Rektrons software modules are continuously developed and revised in order to fulfill the international standards set by AIAG, TS16949 and the FDA.

Rektron has corporate agreement with a number of world leading corperations.

Konto-kunder, tryk her for log-in

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Ring for pris og info
+45 43 200 300
Varenummer (SKU): ART-561




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Rektron SQC System software
Keld Svenning Hansen
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+45 20 124 960
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Kontakt Lone Brandis om
Rektron SQC System software
Lone Brandis
Ring på:
+45 43 200 341
Skriv til:
[email protected]
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